Bellowing Bison

July 07, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Even though most wildlife hides during the height (or is it heat) of summer, the largest mammal in the U.S. has chosen mid July into mid August as its peak season of activity.

Coming up is the annual bison mating season and what better place to observe and photograph this than Yellowstone?

Yellowstone is the last remaining place with genetically pure bison, direct descendants of the millions of bison that roamed the landscape before most of them were senselessly slaughtered.

Even though the bison rut sees lots of action with bellowing, wallowing, dueling ... bison are still pretty much grazing 11 hours of the day!

Here's some of my favorite images of the behavior called "bellowing," during which the bull sticks out his tongue and loudly grunts.

This behavior is performed by the bulls and is believed to establish dominance within the herd.


Wait for it ...


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