Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2022  •  2 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am thankful that there are still wild places left.

Places where we can escape to and where we can go to see the wonders of nature and its wildlife.

Here's to many more years of adequate protections for the animals and wild places from an ever-growing human population!

And, I am thankful for you. 

Without your support, I couldn't do what I do: traveling around photographing and documenting our natural world, with the goal of protecting those who don't have a voice. 


Here's a great encounter I had at sunset with a grizzly sow (Felicia) and her cubs in the Tetons this past spring.

P.S. Subscribe below to the e-mail list or keep an eye on my website for a Black Friday sale on all fine art prints and books.


One of the cubs




One of the cubs




One of the cubs


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Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven Wildlife and Nature Photography
Thank you Debbie!
- Jorn
I'm speechless(non-registered)
These photographs of pictures of my 'neighbors' but juuuuust far enough away so we're all safe and I have the "infinite" pleasure of viewing them and "abhorrent" displeasure of not being there with you nor any photographic skills I might add. But I will enjoy your forthcoming emails. Too bad sometimes we learn too late in life what we'd REALLY like to have pursued. I am lucky, however, to have 'met' you and the pleasure of seeing the wild up close and personal while you do all the getting up screechingly early, staying up for days, in not always bright and sunny days to get the joys (plural) of viewing your photos.

Now, if luck is with me I can start a journey I dread a little but to capture these photos sent in your emails so I can have a scrapbook to treasure with of course YOUR name emblazoned on the cover with mine underneath as Master Scrapbooker. Bless you. Stay safe.

Debbie Reek
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