Grizzly 399 at the Snake River and Jackson Lake Dam

November 13, 2022  •  2 Comments

How exiting it is when you run into grizzly 399!

On this particular afternoon exploring Grand Teton National Park, I noticed a small crowd hanging out by the Jackson Lake dam.

In this area of the park, a crowd of people typically means a grizzly bear!

With high hopes of seeing a grizzly and that grizzly hopefully swimming in the river, I parked the car, took out the big lens and started looking.

Grizzly 399 was peacefully grazing across the Snake river, all by herself, as this was after she kicked out the four cubs this summer.

I snapped a few pictures at long distance and waited.  Would she swim the river?

As minutes turned into hours, she kept grazing in the same area.  She sat down, grazed, disappeared behind the trees, re-emerged, grazed some more ...

The sun was getting close to disappearing for the night behind the Tetons and at that point, I had given up hope that she would go for a swim.


As the crowd of people started leaving, I stuck around thinking that the best I could hope for was that she would get thirsty and come down to the Snake river for a drink ...

Lo and behold, a few minutes after I expressed my wish, she walked straight in my direction and went for a drink!

Here She Comes




By now, 399 is hopefully safely in her winter den. 

Did you know that the temperature in a den can be into the 80s, even with freezing temps outside!?  Read my recent post about the grizzly bear den by clicking here.

If you're interested in a fine art print of 399, I have several available, starting at just $45: shop here on Etsy.


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Jorn Vangoidtsenhoven Wildlife and Nature Photography
Thank you Chrissie!
- Jorn
Chrissie Visser(non-registered)
What a treat that was , thanks for the article :)
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